06:23duration 6 minutes 23 seconds
Tracheostomy - Chapter 6: Additional Tools and…
Tracheostomy - Chapter 6: Additional Tools and Resources (Module 6 of 6)
The purpose of this video is to provide education…
03:10duration 3 minutes 10 seconds
Tracheostomy - Chapter 5: Tube Medications…
Tracheostomy - Chapter 5: Tube Medications (Module 5 of 6)
The purpose of this video is to provide …
03:48duration 3 minutes 48 seconds
Tracheostomy - Chapter 4: Tube Feeding (Module 4…
Tracheostomy - Chapter 4: Tube Feeding (Module 4 of 6)
05:31duration 5 minutes 31 seconds
Tracheostomy - Chapter 3: Tracheostomy…
Tracheostomy - Chapter 3: Tracheostomy suctioning, care, and cleaning. (Modue 3 of 6)
04:41duration 4 minutes 41 seconds
Tracheostomy - Chapter 1: Your Hospital Stay…
Tracheostomy - Chapter 1: Your Hospital Stay (module 1 of 6)
02:15duration 2 minutes 15 seconds
Tracheostomy - Chapter 2: What to expect…
Tracheostomy - Chapter 2: What to expect following discharge from the hospital (module 2 of 6)
15:30duration 15 minutes 30 seconds
Tracheostomy For the Head and Neck Cancer…
Tracheostomy For the Head and Neck Cancer patient: What you Need to Know before going home
Click on the paperclip icon to download the…